How to Make a Homemade Glass Cleaner for Windows, Mirrors, and More

Get your windows cleaner than ever using household items

homemade glass cleaner

The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija

Project Overview
  • Working Time: 5 - 10 mins
  • Total Time: 5 - 10 mins
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $5 to 10

Homemade glass cleaner is one of the easier DIY natural cleaners to make. DIY recipes save money and remove unfamiliar chemicals often found in commercial window cleaning sprays. There are variations for DIY window cleaners but the recipes here include cleaning or distilled white vinegar. Vinegar has acetic acid and it is also a common ingredient in many store-bought cleaners. Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent that dissolves mineral deposits and greasy smudges. Here are a few basic homemade cleaners that all use distilled white vinegar and will leave your windows and mirrors sparkling clean.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Spray bottle
  • Measuring cups or spoons


  • Distilled white vinegar or cleaning vinegar
  • Distilled water
  • Essential oil (optional)
  • Labels
  • Pen
  • Microfiber cloths or newspaper


Materials and tools to make homemade glass cleaner

The Spruce / Anastasiia Tretiak

How to Make a Vinegar-Based Glass Cleaner

  1. Create the Mixture

    • Fill a clean spray bottle with equal parts white vinegar and distilled water.
    • Label the bottle.


    Do not reuse an empty commercial cleaner bottle. Both vinegar and alcohol act as solvents and will pick up any traces of other chemicals that are left in used bottles. A new, clean bottle eliminates unintended and potentially dangerous reactions.

    Glass cleaner ingredients

    The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija

  2. Add Fragrance

    • Add about 10 drops of your favorite essential oil into the spray bottle solution to minimize the short-term vinegar smell.
    • Shake well to mix.
    adding essential oils to a vinegar mixture

    The Spruce / Letícia Almeida


    If you plan to add essential oils, use a glass spray bottle. Essential oils, even diluted in the liquids, can still be concentrated enough to degrade some types of plastic bottles and cause leaks.

  3. Use the Vinegar Cleaner

    • Start at the top of the window to avoid drips and spray just as you would any glass cleaner.
    • Wipe away grime with a lint-free cloth or newspaper.
    • When cleaning a mirror, spritz the cloth instead of the mirror to avoid possible damage to the frame.
    wiping glass down with a newspaper

    The Spruce / Taylor Nebrija


    Some people still prefer using newspapers for streak-free windows. The paper's dense fibers won't scratch or leave lint. Use only black-and-white newsprint because other colored ink can bleed onto glass but any ink can leave smudges on non-glass parts. Crinkle up a sheet into a ball and use it to wipe dirt from the glass.

How to Make a Rubbing Alcohol-Based Glass Cleaner

The combination of the acids in vinegar and the alcohol solvents is effective in removing tough grease from windows. Both ingredients evaporate quickly to eliminate streaks and spots.

Pour 1 cup of rubbing alcohol, 1 cup of distilled water, and 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a spray bottle. Shake to mix and label the bottle. Starting at the top of the window, spray on the cleaner and wipe with a microfiber cloth.

How to Make a Cornstarch-Based Glass Cleaner

The fine texture of the granules in cornstarch creates a gentle abrasive for heavily soiled windows. Add vinegar and alcohol and this DIY cleaner is ideal for cutting through dirt and grime, especially on outside windows where you can use a hose to rinse away any cornstarch residue.

Measure 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol, 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, and 2 cups of distilled water. Add the ingredients to a labeled bottle and shake well to mix. Shake the spray bottle each time to mix the solution well before using the cleaner. Start by spraying the cleaner at the top and let it work for a few minutes. Wipe the glass with cloth or newspaper until it looks crystal clear and the cornstarch's hazy residue is gone. Use a hose to rinse outdoor windows and then dry the glass well.

How to Make a Dish Soap-Based Glass Cleaner

Using liquid dish soap (many prefer original blue Dawn), distilled white vinegar, and water is an effective glass cleaning combination for windows and mirrors. The vinegar helps break down other residue and shine up surfaces.

In a spray bottle, mix 2 cups of lukewarm water, 1/4 cup of distilled white vinegar, and 1/3 teaspoon of grease-cutting liquid dish soap. Shake to mix. Spray on windows and use either a lint-free microfiber cloth or a window squeegee (preferably) to clean the glass. Buff clean windows with a clean, dry microfiber cloth for extra sparkle.

Additional Tips for Keeping Windows Sparkling Clean

  • Dust to remove loose soil and cobwebs from the glass surface before cleaning.
  • Use a lint-free cloth for cleaning and drying windows. Paper towels and terrycloth towels can leave fibers on glass.
  • Give the glass cleaner time to cut through the soil before wiping it away.
  • If you live in an area with hard water, use distilled water when mixing these window cleaners. Distilled water does not contain the minerals (calcium and magnesium) that leave cloudy deposits on the glass.
  • After mixing a batch of glass cleaner, label the spray bottle clearly, add a date so you know if the ingredients are fresh, and consider adding instructions.
  • Store homemade and commercial cleaners in a dry, temperature-controlled area that is safely away from children, pets, food supplies, and direct heat sources.
  • What is the best homemade cleaning solution for windows?

    There are plenty of good commercial glass cleaners out there but diluted white vinegar plus a small amount of dish soap is considered the best homemade cleaning solution for windows. These two ingredients are always part of all-purpose cleaning solution recipes.

  • How do you make streak-free glass cleaner?

    Use water and just a small amount of dish soap or just distilled white vinegar for streak-free windows. It may help to clean the glass with microfiber cloths or color-free newspaper (if you have any). Also, clean windows on an overcast day or the side of the house away from the sun to prevent the cleaner from drying too quickly and leaving streaks.

  • Which is better to clean glass—vinegar or alcohol?

    Diluted white vinegar may be better than just alcohol to clean windows but combining the two ingredients will give you more glass cleaning power.

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  1. Map of water hardness in the United States. US Geological Survey.